Referral Program

Liking Carrd? Join the Referral Program and earn 30% on Pro upgrades and renewals you send our way through your personalized referral link. Earnings from this program can then be used to pay for plan upgrades or purchase library items, or simply requested as a payout. The program is free, opt-in, and open to all users.

Joining the Referral Program

If you're interested in joining the referral program, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Click your Account avatar in the corner.

  3. In the sidebar, click Referral Program.

  4. Click Join Referral Program

  5. Confirm that you want to do this by checking the confirmation checkbox, and confirm that you've also read and agreed to the referral program's terms of use.

  6. Click Join Referral Program

  7. You're done!

Making Referrals

You will receive credit for a referral when a user performs one of the following actions:

In either case, you will receive 30% of the amount paid towards their next Pro upgrade or renewal. Your personalized referral link can by obtained by following these steps:

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Click your Account avatar in the corner.

  3. In the sidebar, click Referral Program.

  4. Your referral link will be shown under Referral Link. You can also customize the referral code portion of your referral link (for example, YOURCODE) by clicking Change

Referral codes are limited to a single use per user, meaning you will only receive earnings from that user's next Pro upgrade or renewal and not any subsequent ones.

Deep Linking

If you'd like to link to a specific page through your referral link, you can do so by including the redir parameter along with the full path to that page. For example, the following will redirect to /pro after passing through your link:

Leaving the Referral Program

If you want to leave the referral program, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Click your Account avatar in the corner.

  3. In the sidebar, click Referral Program.

  4. Click Leave Program

  5. Confirm that you want to do this by checking the confirmation checkbox.

  6. Click Leave Referral Program

  7. You're done! Note that all referral program earnings that have yet to be spent or paid out will remain in your balance for future use.