URL Types

Carrd supports linking any button, icon, or other "linkable" element to the following types of URLs:

Site https://domain.ext/path/ Open an external site, optionally with one or more flags.
Email mailto:user@domain.ext Compose a new message to user@domain.ext using the browser's default email app (if available).
Phone tel:0005551234 Place a call to 0005551234 using the browser's default phone app (if available).
sms:0005551234 Compose a new message to 0005551234 using the browser's default SMS app (if available).
skype:username Place a Skype call to username (if available).
Navigation browser:back Go back a page in the browser's history.
browser:forward Go forward a page in the browser's history.
browser:top Scroll to the top of the current page.
browser:none Do nothing. Usually combined with an "On Click" event.
Section #section-name Open the section section-name, optionally with one or more flags.
section:next Open the next section.
section:previous Open the previous section.
section:first Open the first section.
section:last Open the last section.
Scroll Point #scrollpoint-name Scroll to the scroll point scrollpoint-name
scrollpoint:next Scroll to the next scroll point.
scrollpoint:previous Scroll to the previous scroll point.
scrollpoint:first Scroll to the first scroll point.
scrollpoint:last Scroll to the last scroll point.
Clipboard clipboard:text Display a dialog allowing the user to copy text to their device's clipboard.


Flags can be used to change how certain types of URLs behave when linked. They can be included by appending || to the end of the URL followed by a comma-separated list of flags:


For example, the following indicates the site URL https://vaporware.ext should be opened in a new tab:


The following flags are currently supported:

FlagURL TypesDescription
blankSite, SectionOpens the URL in a new tab.
nofollowSiteIndicates the link to the URL does not imply an endorsement of its content.
noopenerSiteIndicates the URL should not have access to the browser context that opened it.
noreferrerSiteIndicates the URL should not know the site was its referrer.
meSiteIndicates the URL is also owned by the site containing the link.
licenseSiteIndicates the URL describes the license applicable to the content of the site.
termsSiteIndicates the URL describes the terms of service applicable to the site.
privacySiteIndicates the URL describes the privacy policy applicable to the site.
hreflang=xxSiteIndicates the language of the URL, where xx is the two-letter language code.