Embedding IFRAMEs

Requires Pro Standard or higher

In addition to embedding custom code, the Embed element also allows you to create responsive inline frames (IFRAMEs) to embed content from other sites. Here's how to use it:

  1. Click Add Element

  2. Click Embed to create a new Embed element.

  3. Set Type to IFRAME.

  4. Set URL to the full URL of the content you'd like to embed.

  5. (Optional) Adjust Width and Height as needed.

  6. (Optional) Decide how the IFRAME should handle its Aspect Ratio (as determined by Width and Height) when viewed on mobile screens:

    • Ignore: Ignores aspect ratio, giving the IFRAME a fixed height while shrinking its width to fit the display when needed.

    • Strict: Maintains aspect ratio, proportionally shrinking both the IFRAME's width and height to fit the display when needed.

    • Flexible: Maintains aspect ratio, proportionally shrinking both the IFRAME's width and height to fit the display when needed, but with a little slack given to its height to improve the viewing experience on mobile screens.

  7. You're done! Your IFRAME should now be visible on the published site. Note that the embed element will not actually output anything in the builder so you'll need to publish the site to see it in action.