Adding a Stripe Checkout Button

The Stripe Checkout widget allows you to accept credit card payments via Stripe. Here's how to use it:

  1. If you haven't done so already, create a Stripe account.

  2. Log in to your Stripe account and Enable Checkout by following these instructions.

  3. Back at Carrd, Click Add Element

  4. Click Widget to create a new Widget element.

  5. Set Type to Stripe Checkout.

  6. Under Product, select a Type and enter the unique Price ID to use (for example, price_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

  7. (Optional) Change the Button Label and other Options.

  8. (Optional) Enter a Success URL, which can be any valid URL or blank to use the site's current URL.

  9. Scroll down a bit and enter your Stripe API Keys, which can be found using these instructions.

  10. You're done!