Setting up Redirects

Requires Pro Plus or higher

If you've published a site to a URL, a custom domain, or a custom subdomain, you can optionally create redirects that point "slash" URLs (like /about) to either a specific section of the site, an external URL, or simply back to the site. This is extremely useful if you're moving an existing site to Carrd and want to preserve some of its URLs, or if you simply want to set up shortcuts to external sites (for example, a shortcut that redirects /blog to a Medium blog). Here's how:

  1. Click Publish

  2. Make sure URL is set to Use my own domain.

  3. Click the Settings tab.

  4. Scroll down to Redirects and enter each redirect in /request=destination format (one pair per line), where request is the redirect's "slash" URL and destination is where you want it to go. Examples:

    Redirects /about.html back to the site.
    Redirects /contact to section #contact
    Redirects /blog to an external URL.
    Wildcard redirects anything prefixed with /products/ to #products
    Wildcard redirects anything prefixed with /blog/ to https://domain.ext/blog/*, with * substituted for the matching portion of the request. For example, /blog/2024/07/15/hello-world would redirect to https://domain.ext/blog/2024/07/15/hello-world.
    Wildcard redirects every slash URL back to the site.
    All redirects are handled as 301 redirects.
  5. Click Publish Changes

  6. You're done! The redirects should now be in place and ... well, redirecting.