Working With Folders

Requires Pro Lite 10 or higher

If you're at the point where you're working with dozens (or even hundreds) of sites, folders are a simple way to bring some order back to your sites tab. Here's how:

Creating a Folder

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Click your Account avatar in the corner.

  3. In the sidebar, click Interface.

  4. Under Folders, click Add Folder

  5. In the Title field, enter the title you'd like to give the new folder.

  6. (Optional) Choose an Icon to represent the new folder.

  7. Click Add Folder

  8. You're done! The new folder will now be visible on your sites tab.

Assigning a Site to a Folder

  1. Click Publish

  2. Under Folder, select the folder to which you wish to assign the site.

  3. Click Publish Changes

  4. You're done! The site will now be assigned to the selected folder.

Browsing a Folder

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Click the Sites tab.

  3. Click the folders dropdown at the top of the page.

  4. Locate then click on the folder you'd like to browse.

  5. You're done! You should now see the contents of the selected folder.

Renaming a Folder

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Click your Account avatar in the corner.

  3. In the sidebar, click Interface.

  4. Under Folders, locate the folder you want to rename, then click its Edit icon.

  5. In the Title field, enter the new title for the folder.

  6. Click Update Folder

  7. You're done! The folder should now reflect its new title.

Deleting a Folder

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. Click your Account avatar in the corner.

  3. In the sidebar, click Interface.

  4. Under Folders, locate the folder you want to delete, then click its Delete icon.

  5. Click Delete Folder

  6. You're done! The folder should now be deleted, but note that any sites assigned to it will not be deleted and will remain entirely intact.