Using a Custom Subdomain

Requires Pro Standard or higher

Carrd sites can be published to URLs, custom domains, and custom subdomains. To publish a site to a custom subdomain (such as subdomain.domain.ext), follow the steps below.

The custom subdomain's parent domain (eg. domain.ext) must be registered before you can use its subdomains on Carrd. If you haven't registered the parent domain yet, you can generally do so at any domain provider (such as Google Domains, Namecheap, or Porkbun).
  1. Click Publish

  2. Set Action to Publish to a custom domain.

  3. Enter the subdomain name exactly as you want it to appear in the address bar (eg. subdomain.domain.ext).

  4. Scroll down a bit to locate the site's DNS records. These will "point" the subdomain to the Carrd site and usually need to be set up over at your domain provider. For most subdomains, you'll be asked to add an A record pointing subdomain to the target IP address shown (eg.

  5. Back at Carrd, click Publish Changes

  6. You're done ... almost. The subdomain now needs to initialize, which is an automatic process that can take up to an hour to complete (though it's usually a lot faster than that). Once initialized, you'll be able to access the site using the custom subdomain you just set up (and do so via SSL).

    Note: If your dashboard still lists the subdomain as "(initializing)" after an hour, please refer to the troubleshooting page or simply get in touch for assistance.